Thursday, September 24, 2009

An interactive Online Guide to the Neurologic Examination with Video Demonstrations – Companion to “Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases”

An interactive Online Guide to the Neurologic Examination with Video Demonstrations – Companion to “Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases”

The NeuroExam Video demonstrates how to perform a complete neurologic examination. It is intended for medical students, residents, and other students in the health care professions. We recommend that this video be used in the classroom setting, where it can be shown in its entirety or using selected excerpts. Students can then review the exam by visiting, and can learn about the neuroanatomical interpretation of the exam by reading the textbook Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases.
The NeuroExam Video introduces the neurologic exam, and then presents a detailed demonstration of the exam consisting of the following six subdivisions:

1. Mental status

2. Cranial nerves

3. Motor exam

4. Reflexes

5. Coordination and gait

6. Sensory exam
In the era of modern neuroimaging methods, the neurologic exam remains an essential diagnostic tool. It is a critical way station in the clinical decision making process, dictating whether imaging studies or other tests are required. In addition, the neurologic exam enables the clinician to decide what regions should be imaged, and when emergency therapeutic interventions are needed prior to any diagnostic tests. By understanding how to perform and interpret the neurologic exam, health care professionals in all specialties can help preserve the functioning of the nervous system, vastly improving patient quality of life.
List of all Videos Names
1. Introduction
2. General Exam
3. Mental Status Introduction
Level of Alertness, Attention & Cooperation
4. AttentionOrientation
5. OrientationMemory
6. Recent Memory
7. Remote MemoryLanguage
8. Spontaneous Speech
9. Comprehension
10. Naming
11. Repetition
12. Reading and WritingCalculations, Right-Left Confusion, Finger Agnosia, Agraphia
13. Calculations
14. Right Ear Left ThumbApraxia
15. PraxisNeglect & Constructions
16. Neglect Drawing Tests
17. Copy DrawingSequencing Tasks & Frontal Release Signs
18. Grasp Reflex
19. Manual Alternating Sequence Task
20. Written Alternating Sequence Task
21. Auditory Go-No-GoLogic & Abstraction
22. Analogies, LogicDelusions & Hallucinations
23. PsychiatryMood
Olfaction (CN I)
24. OlfactionOphthalmoscopic Exam (CN II)
25. Ophthalmoscopic ExamVision (CN II)
26. Red Desaturation
27. Visual Fields
28. Blink to ThreatPupillary Responses (CN II, III)
29. Pupil Light Reflex
30. Swinging Flashlight
31. AccomodationExtraocular Movements (CN III, IV, VI)
32. Smooth Pursuit
33. Saccades
34. OKNs
35. Oculocephalic TestingFacial Sensation and Muscles of Mastication (CN V)
36. Facial Sensation
37. Corneal Reflex
38. Masseter
39. Jaw Jerk ReflexMuscles of Facial Expression and Taste (CN VII)
40. Facial Muscles
41. TasteHearing and Vestibular Sense (CN VIII)
42. Hearing
43. Positional Vertigo TestPalate Elevation and Gag Reflex (CN IX, X)
44. Palate ElevationMuscles of Articulation (CN V, VII, IX, X, XII)
45. ArticulationSternocleidomastoid and Trapezius Muscles (CN XI)
46. CN XI TestingTongue Muscles (CN XII)
47. Tongue Protrusion
48. Atrophy? FasciculationsPalpationMuscle tone
49. Upper Extremity Tone
50. Lower Extremity ToneFunctional testing
51. Drift
52. Rapid Hand Movements
53. Rapid Foot TappingStrength of individual muscle groups
54. Upper Extremity Strength
55. Detailed Hand Test
56. Lower Extremity Strength
57. Foot Eversion, Inversion
Deep Tendon Reflexes
58. Deep Tendon ReflexesPlantar Response
59. Plantar ResponseFinger Flexors
60. Finger FlexorsReflexes Tested in Special Situations
61. Special Reflexes
Appendicular Coordination
62. Rapid Alternating Movements
63. Precision Finger Tap
64. Finger-Nose-Finger
65. Heel-Shin
66. OvershootRomberg test
67. Romberg TestGait
68. Ordinary Gait, Tandem Gait
69. Forced Gait
Primary sensation — asymmetry, sensory level
70. Pin Prick
71. Temperature
72. Vibration Sense
73. Joint Position Sense
74. Two-Point DiscriminationCortical sensation, including extinction
75. Graphesthesia
76. Stereognosis
77. Tactile Extinction

78 Full length Videos rm format (Realplayer)

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